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8 Signs Someone Else Is Responsible for Your Fall

Posted on March 10, 2023 in

Slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents can be painful and result in serious injuries, such as broken bones, head, back, hip and/or leg injuries, and more. While it’s easy to assume that these sudden accidents are entirely your fault, but this isn’t always true. In some cases, someone else may be responsible, fully or partly, for your slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accident, whether it be a property owner, manager, or employee or even someone who just isn’t paying attention to where they are going or what they are doing. 

At Jensen Phelan Law Firm, we have over 65 years of combined experience helping our clients file their personal injury claims and obtain fair compensation. We understand that it can be difficult to determine whether there’s a valid personal injury claim without a clear understanding, which is why we offer a free case assessment. Our attorneys can review your case and help understand your next steps. We provide free case evaluations: just call us.

8 Signs Someone Else is Liable for Your Fall Injuries

People trip and fall all the time, and it doesn’t mean that anyone but some bad luck is responsible for any injuries that occur. Therefore, it can be challenging to determine when a slip-and-fall accident merits a personal injury claim. Here are a few signs to help you determine someone else may be responsible for your injuries and can be held liable for damages:

1. Lack of Warning Signs

Property owners and managers are responsible for warning guests of any potential hazards on their property. If there were no warning signs or caution tape in the area where you fell or tripped, this could be a sign that the property owner or manager failed to take reasonable precautions to prevent your accident.

2. Poor Lighting

Poor lighting can make it difficult to see potential hazards, such as uneven flooring, wet spots, or debris on the floor. If the lighting in the area where you fell was inadequate, this could be a sign that the property owner or manager did not take reasonable steps to keep the area safe.

3. Neglected Maintenance

Property owners and managers have a duty to keep their property in a safe condition, especially if the property is a store or other business which invites you to come in. If the area where you fell was in disrepair or had not been properly maintained, this could be a sign that the property owner or manager failed to uphold their duty of care.

4. Spills or Debris on the Floor

If you slipped on a wet or slippery surface, this could be a sign that someone else is responsible for your accident. For example, if a spill occurred due to a store employee’s negligence, the store may be held liable for your injuries.

5. Obstructed Walkways

Walkways should be clear of obstacles, debris, or other hazards that could cause someone to trip and fall. The walkway should be relatively flat with nothing sticking up and no unexpected holes. If the area where you fell was obstructed, cluttered or had an uneven surface, this could be a sign that the property owner or manager did not take steps for the safety of their guests.

6. Inadequate Handrails or Guardrails

Handrails and guardrails are essential and legally required safety features that can prevent slip-and-fall accidents. If the area where you fell lacked these features, this could be a sign that the property owner or manager did not take reasonable steps to take care of your safety.

7. Previous Accidents

If other guests have reported slip-and-fall accidents in the same area in the past, this could be a sign that the property owner or manager is aware (had “notice”) of the potential hazard and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent future accidents.

8. Surveillance Footage

If the accident occurred in a public place or store, surveillance footage may exist that can help determine fault. This footage can help show whether the property owner or manager was aware of the hazard and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent accidents. You need to retain a lawyer ASAP because this footage is routinely deleted according to a schedule in most businesses, and a specialist injury lawyer such as us at Jensen Phelan Law Firm knows how to persuade the premises owner to preserve this vital video evidence. 

Contact Our Seasoned Slip-and-Fall Attorney Today

Slip-and-fall accidents can be painful and lead to serious injuries. While it’s easy to assume that these accidents may entirely be your fault, there may be circumstances where someone else is responsible. When you’ve been involved in a trip-and-fall accident, it’s important to seek legal advice from a personal injury lawyer. They can help you determine whether someone else is responsible for your accident and help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Jensen Phelan Law Firm has the skilled and seasoned personal injury attorneys you need to help your claim have a successful resolution. Our attorneys have handled many slip-and-fall cases and understand what it takes to obtain full and fair compensation. Contact our firm today to schedule a free case assessment and an explanation of your rights by completing our contact form or calling (928) 778-2660.