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Can Dog Sitters Be Held Liable for a Dog Bite Accident?

Posted on May 12, 2023 in

As a pet owner in Arizona, you may need to hire a dog sitter to care for your furry friend while you’re away. Although dog sitters provide pet parents with a valuable service, there is always a risk of injury if your dog bites someone while under their care. Under Arizona law, pet owners are almost always responsible for dog bites, even if they are away from home. There are circumstances where a sitter may be held liable for the severe injuries a dog bite can cause. 

If you are injured due to a dog bite in Arizona, it is essential to retain an attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights and interests. At Jensen Phelan Law Firm, our specialist dog bite attorneys are dedicated to helping animal attack victims recover the maximum compensation available for their damages. We will leave no stone unturned as we investigate your case and determine who is liable for your injuries or other accident-related losses. We offer a free case evaluation as well.

When Are Dog Sitters Held Liable for Dog Bites in Arizona?

Arizona has a strict liability law regarding dog bites, meaning the dog’s owner is typically responsible for any injuries caused by their pet, regardless of whether or not they were acting negligently. The owner’s dog sitter may also be held liable as the owner’s agent if the sitter is entrusted with caring for and controlling the animal but failed to prevent an attack. If a dog sitter fails to supervise the dog properly such as allowing the dog to interact with other people or animals when not controlled adequately, they may be held liable for any injuries or other harm the victims suffer due to the attack.

Regardless of whether the pet sitter or dog owner is liable for your injuries, it is vital to retain a lawyer without delay. The statute of limitations for strict liability, or legal time limit for filing a dog bite injury claim, is only one year from the date of the incident. There is a two year common law statute of limitations for general negligence, but that allows for more defenses. When you work with a specialist dog bite attorney from Jensen Phelan Law Firm, they will begin investigating your case immediately to preserve critical evidence and comply with all filing time limits. 

Damages You May Be Eligible to Collect Through an Arizona Dog Bite Claim

Getting attacked by a strange dog can be a traumatic experience, and many victims suffer severe physical, emotional, and financial consequences long after the incident. If you are injured due to a dog bite in Arizona, you deserve to recover compensation for the full extent of your losses. Some types of damages you may be eligible to recover through a dog bite claim include the following:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and earning potential
  • Significant disability or disfigurement 
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • Pain and suffering

The specialist dog bite attorneys at Jensen Phelan Law Firm will take the time to get to know you and how your injuries impact your daily life. Our attorneys are dedicated to considering your current and future needs when fighting for the maximum amount of compensation available on your behalf. 

Also, an inadequately supervised or controlled dog may cause harm other than by biting a person. This may not be a dog bite case within the strict liability statutory requirements, but a recovery may still be possible depending on the facts of the case. 

Speak to a Knowledgeable Dog Bite Attorney at Jensen Phelan Law Firm

At Jensen Phelan Law Firm, our attorneys understand the unique challenges of recovering from a dog bite injury and will work to hold dog owners and dog sitters fully accountable for the losses you’ve endured. We have been fighting for dog bite victims’ rights since 1974 and have a proven track record of recovering the compensation they need to move their lives forward. 

Your attorney will handle every aspect of your claim so you can focus 100% of your energy on your healing and recovery. To schedule a free assessment of your case and an explanation of your rights, call us at (928) 778-2660 or complete our contact form today.