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Do You Have Rights After an Injury Due to Inclement Weather in Arizona?

Posted on June 28, 2021 in

Arizona sees its fair share of inclement weather throughout the year. While the state is known for its warm climate, Flagstaff receives up to 100 inches of snow each year. Prescott is known to have “black ice” from moist roads that freeze at dusk. When weather is hazardous, property owners, homeowners, and drivers have a reasonable duty to keep their guests and other drivers safe. When they do not make a reasonable effort, they may be liable for an accident.

If you sustained an injury due to inclement weather in Arizona and believed negligence played a part, contact the personal injury attorneys at the Jensen Phelan Law Firm. We can launch a thorough investigation into the accident and inform you of your legal rights.

Accidents Related to Inclement Weather in Arizona

Various accidents may result from inclement weather or other weather conditions like extreme summer heat in Arizona. For the most part, these accidents include premises liability and auto accidents. These cases can be tricky to navigate but hiring an Arizona injury attorney can make the claims process easier to navigate.

Slip and Fall Accidents

When you are on another person’s property, the owner has a legal requirement to keep it safe for their guests or patrons. When they do not keep it safe, they may be liable for any accidents, such as slip and falls. For example, shoppers track water into businesses during rainstorms, making the floors slippery. When business owners do not adequately notify shoppers, they may be liable for any accidents and injuries.

Similarly, property owners may be liable for any injuries on their sidewalks due to inclement weather. While it may be hard to hold a homeowner responsible for a fall because of a puddle, it might be possible to file a claim over un-shoveled snow or ice patches.

However, property and business owners have some time to respond to a known danger. For example, it would be unreasonable to expect a business owner to always have a wet floor sign out. When it starts raining, it may take them a few minutes to properly notify guests. Likewise, homeowners may be at work and unable to shovel snow or ice salt.

Auto Accidents

Car accidents because of inclement weather may be more challenging to prove liability for. Many people say hazardous weather doesn’t cause car accidents; people who drive in bad weather cause accidents. When it comes down to it, your injury attorney will have to prove the other driver was negligent and not driving in a reasonably safe manner based on the weather. A reasonably safe manner will depend on the weather. For example, rainy and snowy conditions may require traveling below the speed limit.

How to Keep Yourself Safe During Inclement Weather

When it rains in Arizona, ensure you are wearing the appropriate footwear. This may include ankle boots or slip-resistant sneakers. Although snow is rare in Arizona, you should have a pair of snow boots with good traction in your closet just in case. When walking during rain or snow, always be cautious. Sidewalks can have ice patches, and floors can be slippery, so take your time when walking.

When driving during hazardous weather conditions, lower your speed and ensure the headlights are on. When roads are slick, vehicles are more likely to spin out of control and cause an accident. By lowering your speed, you will have more control over your car. You should also ensure that your windshield wipers are in good condition. If they are not, you risk losing visibility.

By taking a few extra steps during hazardous weather conditions, you can lower your risk of being in an accident.

Speak to the Injury Lawyers at the Jensen Phelan Law Firm Today

If you were in an accident because of bad weather conditions, contact the Jensen Phelan Law Firm today. We can handle the day-to-day aspects of your case, such as interviewing witnesses, gathering information, reviewing evidence, and negotiating with insurers while you focus on your recovery. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling all types of personal injury cases, including premises liability and car accidents. To schedule a free consultation, call (928) 778-2660 or complete our contact form.