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How Are Pain and Suffering Damages Calculated After a Personal Injury?

Posted on September 21, 2022 in

If you are experiencing pain and suffering after an injury, even if you should have completely healed or returned to a sense of normalcy, you may not know how to feel or what to do. Are you able to sue for pain and suffering compensation? How are those costs typically calculated in a personal injury case? And might a lawyer be able to assist you with your case?

At Jensen Phelan Law Firm, we have assisted numerous clients with their injury cases, and we may also be able to help you. We are specialist personal injury lawyers and pride ourselves in our high-quality practice. If you’re looking for more information about collecting damages for your pain and suffering, please continue reading to learn more.

Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering Damages in Arizona?

In Arizona, you may be able to sue for pain and suffering damages, depending on the details of your case. Often, pain and suffering may be included in your personal injury claims, meaning you may be eligible for compensation if you have received severe injuries due to another party’s negligence.

For instance, if Party A was in a car accident caused by Party B rear-ending their vehicle, Party A may be able to receive compensation for Party B’s negligent actions. If Party A is injured and also experiences pain and suffering due to these injuries, they may be able to pursue compensation for several damages. These damages might include pain and suffering, bills related to their injuries, property damage, and many other items.

How Is Compensation for Pain and Suffering Calculated in Arizona?

When calculating compensation in a personal injury case, Arizona State has no upper or lower limits. This means there is not generally a cap on the amount you might be able to receive for your pain and suffering damages. Calculations for these damages are also likely to vary from case to case, depending on the perceived severity of your injuries, the cost of medical treatments, and various other factors.

Generally, the court or an insurance adjuster roughly calculates compensation for pain and suffering. Many adjusters will use a multiplier when calculating pain and suffering compensation. Still, the multiplier they choose will depend on the severity of injuries, the impact of the injuries on the affected individual’s life, who is at fault, and how likely the victim is to recover fully.

If the pain and suffering are expected to be low, the adjuster might use a 1.5 multiplier. If the pain and suffering are perceived as significantly higher, the adjuster might choose a multiplier as high as 5. For example, if a victim is charged $10,000 in medical bills and costs but is expected to heal quickly and completely, the adjuster may decide the pain and suffering is likely to be extremely low. Therefore, the adjuster might multiply $10,000 by 1.5, meaning the victim might receive $15,000 for their pain and suffering damages.

How Can a Lawyer Help You After a Personal Injury Incident?

If you want to take legal action, you’ll likely want to hire a lawyer. A talented lawyer will ensure you take the best possible steps for your case and help you in the following ways:

  • Provide legal knowledge, experience, and skill that results in a larger recovery for you
  • Employ and defend negotiation tactics
  • Handle insurance companies and other legal representatives whose job is to “pay less”
  • Maximize compensation for you AFTER the legal fees – some do, some do not
  • Reduce stress – your lawyer and law firm should do all the “heavy lifting” for you, and ease your part to mainly just getting the medical care you need and healing
  • Collect, document (by photos, recorded interviews, collection of ALL needed records)  and analyze evidence – the right lawyer/law firm will do this fully and well.
  • Join or lead investigations
  • Refer you to medical and other professionals (such as medical specialists if needed)
  • Provide useful resources consistent with the lawyer/law firm’s experience, skill, etc.

By hiring top-quality legal representation, you increase the likelihood of receiving larger compensation awards. Because of this, we recommend you speak with an experienced injury attorney without delay.

Get the Compensation You Deserve With Jensen Phelan Law Firm Specialist Personal Injury Lawyers in Arizona

At Jensen Phelan Law Firm, our specialist personal injury lawyers are highly experienced. We have assisted several clients with their injury cases, aiding them in winning the compensation they deserve for their injuries, pain and suffering, and more. If you are injured and need strong legal representation, please give us a call.

When you reach out to us, we’ll provide you with a free assessment of your case and an explanation of your rights. In addition, you may be able to take advantage of our legal knowledge, resources, and negotiation skills and win favorable results. To retain our services, please call (928) 778-2660 or complete our contact form at your earliest convenience. We are patiently waiting to hear from you.