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Why It’s Important to Contact a Water and Mold Damage Insurance Lawyer

Posted on October 12, 2022 in

Mold and water damage can cause considerable damages and losses to property and serious health harms for the people exposed to it. In Arizona, where the weather is often hot and not often humid, mold and water damage can be especially harmful because hidden moisture, necessary for most mold to grow, is not expected.

At Jensen Phelan Law Firm, our attorneys specialize in Arizona law and regulations related to property damage claims. We have helped hundreds of our clients understand their rights and legal options for pursuing compensation based on our experience since 1974. When you retain a Jensen Phelan Law Firm attorney, you can be assured that we will provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that an experienced professional is handling your case and will work hard to secure the compensation you deserve. 

Why You Need a Water and Mold Damage Insurance Lawyer

There are several reasons why it’s important to contact a water and mold damage lawyer if you’ve suffered property damage due to water or mold, including:

Proof is Often Difficult

The prior property owner, builder of the structure, sub-contractor responsible for the moisture (such as a plumber, roofing contractor, etc.) may not have good records, may not recall any of the details, and may not even have adequate insurance coverage. Harm to a person from mold is difficult to prove due to the many possible causes of air-borne infections and illnesses.

Legal Expertise

An Arizona water and mold damage lawyer has the legal expertise and experience to navigate the complex laws and regulations related to property damage claims. They can help you understand your rights and options under Arizona law. Liable parties, their insurance carriers, and legal representation are quick to jump on the fact that the average person doesn’t know the ins and outs of property damage laws or laws pertaining to mold and water damage. An attorney is not only your advocate in the room protecting your best interests, but can also make sure that you’re not taken advantage of by technical language and misleading expert opinions. Your injury lawyer has the duty to insist that you receive the fair treatment you deserve. 

Maximizing Compensation

A lawyer can help you maximize the compensation you receive for your property damage. This starts with getting estimates for the costs of repair and/or replacement of the harmed property, which is needed because most insurers use their own appraisers who may be conservative to a fault. Your lawyer should negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to make sure that you receive fair compensation for all damages, including hidden or future damages that you may not have considered or otherwise known were available to you.

Time-Sensitive Deadlines

In Arizona, there are strict deadlines for filing property damage claims. A water and mold damage lawyer can help make sure that you meet these deadlines if there is adequate time left and minimize forfeiting your right to compensation. Do not delay talking with an injury lawyer.

Liability and Negligence

A lawyer can investigate the cause of the water or mold damage to determine if there is any liability or negligence involved. It may not always be obvious which parties are responsible for or played a significant role in the water and mold damage. If a third party, such as a landlord or contractor, is responsible for the damage, a lawyer can help you pursue a claim against them. With a specialist injury attorney working for you, there’s a greater chance of holding all responsible parties liable for damages.

Peace of Mind

Dealing with major property damage claim can be stressful and overwhelming. By retaining a lawyer, you can have peace of mind knowing that an experienced professional is handling your case and working on getting you the compensation you deserve.

Experiencing Mold and Water Damage? Contact Jensen Phelan Law Firm

Retaining a water and mold damage lawyer in Arizona is a crucial step to protecting your legal rights and making sure that you receive fair compensation for your property damage. It’s overwhelming enough to have to deal with the work of fixing water and mold damage without the added stress of pursuing legal action. Fortunately, Jensen Phelan Law Firm has an attorney who specializes in claims pertaining to water and mold damage that can provide you with legal assistance and help you recover fair compensation. 

Hiring the right attorney to represent your interests could give you the power to fight for maximum compensation. Jensen Phelan Law Firm is committed to providing our clients with a caring experience and tenacious representation to help them receive the full and fair compensation they deserve. Contact our firm today at (928) 778-2660 or complete our online contact form for a free assessment of your case and explanation of your rights.